Starting BzzAgent

I tried…BzzAgent Welcome Kit


The BzzAgent magnet with some things that are important in my life right now.

The BzzAgent magnet with some things that are important in my life right now.


  • What is it?
    • BzzAgent is a company that sends you free products or coupons in exchange for your honest opinion about the item.  This is a great way to try new products without having to pay full price for them.  In return, they request that you post your opinion and the fact that you got it free from BzzAgent on various social media platforms.
  • How I used it
    • I gave this a try because I love trying new things, but I hate paying for something I might not like.  Also, who doesn’t like to give their opinion?  This is the first “mission” they give you.  It comes with a series of tasks to complete and you earn points by completing them.  BzzAgent focuses on quality, not quantity. They want thoughtful, insightful posts.  Getting more points means you qualify for more missions (more free stuff!).
    • The Welcome Kit includes 2 things:
      • A Welcome to BzzAgent booklet – small, but well written.  It lays out the instructions for BzzAgent missions.  All of the information in the booklet is on the website in case you have trouble keeping up with stuff.
      • A magnet for keeping your coupons convenient.  I think this is brilliant because when I get a coupon I usually just put it in my bag and think “I’ll remember to use it next time I’m at the grocery store”.  How often does that happen?  Almost never.  This magnet will keep the coupon visible and remind me I need to use it.

        Hanging on the fridge

        Hanging on the fridge

  • Likes
    • Website is really easy to navigate and I love the look.
    • Instructions are very clear and they walk you through each step.
    • BzzAgent gives you ratings based on your content, not on how many Tweets you send out or how many times you post to Facebook.  They are looking for quality posts.
  • Dislikes
    • My mission was considered active before my package even shipped.  This meant I had 28 days to complete the tasks, but my box wasn’t even on the way yet.   I know it won’t take me the full 28 days to complete them, but I did think this was kind of odd.  Also, my package didn’t say it had shipped until after I received it.  I’m curious to see if this happens for all missions or if this was just a one time issue.
Next to the weekly dinner menu

Next to the weekly dinner menu


I am so excited to try this out!  I get free products for telling people what I think!  Who wouldn’t want to do that?!   Go to BzzAgent and sign up.



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